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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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January 27, 2000 The Mitzvah reviewed in Soldier of Fortune
Greetings JPFO supporters! Peter G. Kokalis writes a rave review of The Mitzvah in the March 2000 issue of Soldier of Fortune magazine. Some highlights:
The Talmud explicitly states, "If someone comes to kill you, arise quickly and kill him." How many American Jews know this or would ever think to put this admonition into practice? Tragically, very few.* * * My good friend, Aaron Zelman, and co-author of this fascinating novel, has referred to these anti-gun landsleit (countrymen) of his as possessed with a "railroad box car mentality." While this statement would surely infuriate these hoplophobes (a term Jeff Cooper coined long ago for those with a hysterical aversion to guns) no end, it doesn't come close to the dynamite packed into The Mitzvah.* * * I'm so convinced that The Mitzvah will engrage the left into an apoplectic frenzy that I personally purchased ten copies to distribute. So far, I've given six super libs major chest pains. Highly recommended for both those of us who really know what freedom means and those who lost track of it somewhere along the way to their socialist utopias.Buy a copy of the March issue of Soldier of Fortune and read the full review.
You can buy The Mitzvah directly from JPFO. Check for details.
Or call toll-free: 1-800-869-1884 (Orders only!)
One copy $10.95 postage paid.
Six copies $39.95 postage paid.
Twelve copies $69.95 postage paid.
One case containing 66 copies $329.95 postage paid.From The Liberty Crew at JPFO
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