JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
May 23, 2000 For Those Interested in New Jersey Election (or other elections)
For Those Interested in New Jersey Election (or other elections) People have been asking about the New Jersey Senate race in which the son of a Holocaust survivor & anti-Nazi partisan is running.
At JPFO we frequently receive questions about political candidates, but because we are a tax-exempt educational organization JPFO cannot and does not get involved with candidates or elections.
If you are interested in the upcoming New Jersey election and the candidates and races in that election, then you should contact Gun Owners of New Jersey to get more information.
Click on: - (sorry -link appears to have expired. )
Or Call (908-277-1111)
The New Jersey election is June 6, 2000.
Information about other political candidates and elections can sometimes be found via Gun Owners of America.
Click on
Look at GOA's state alerts section or the Links section to get local and state information.
Call GOA in Virginia at:
PH: 703-321-8585
FX: 703-321-8408Please contact these organizations, not JPFO, for information about pro-gun candidates.
Thank you from
The Liberty Crew
This Alert archived at
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