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February 19, 2001 Rabbi Mermelstein reviews Thunder Out of Boston
In the sea of politically left wing Jews that seem to have captivated the media limelight and airwaves in America today, an occasional conservative Jew comes forward to speak the truth. That's saying a great deal, and it's an apt introduction to Chuck Morse.
Mr. Morse is more than just another radio Master of Ceremonies for crackpots to call in and vent their spleens. He is an indefatigable researcher and educator, and he's used these talents to write columns for newspapers and online commentaries and editorials.
One would suppose that with Chuck's political bent that he hails from a rural area, broadcasting from a low watt station out in the sticks.
Well, not quite.
He lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.
If the West Coast is your yardstick for measuring the political climatology of a locale visualize San Jose, San Francisco and Los Angeles combined. Think Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Dianne Feinstein and Maxine Waters in the same room. In a nutshell, think bastion of liberal and morality defying thinking.
In Thunder Out of Boston, Chuck Morse has published his first compilation of articles that can only be described as an eclectic crash course in reality.
For a blitz education on topics ranging from the Second Amendment to the politics of abortion, homosexuality, the New World Order, Latin American communism and Jesse Jackson's PUSH, Chuck has shown that few topics in both history and current events are beyond the scope of his insight.
This isn't a work written for students of political or social science. It is written for Americans that cleave to their Judeo-Christian values and crave hard data and information to silence the clamorous voices of the self-righteous destroyers of our nation founded under G-d.
Thunder Out of Boston doesn't fuel hatred, nor is it intended to be a bible for right wing extremists. It is a exceedingly readable collection of essays to warm the hearts of true American patriots.
In fact, Thunder Out of Boston by Chuck Morse may be the most complete collection of diverse political thought for the "every man" to appear in print in a long time.
To order, contact Chuck Morse at:
City Metro Enterprises
458 Astor Station
Boston MA 02123
Phone (800) 272-7324
Fax (800) 551-2031On the Web:
Rabbi R. Mermelstein and the Liberty Crew
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership[NOTE: you can also buy this book from via the JPFO bookstore! BUY ME from JPFO will receive a small commission on your purchase.]
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