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June 15, 2001 Ruby Ridge: Bill of Rights Enforcement is Now the Only "Healing"
A week after a federal appeals court miraculously gave the go-ahead for prosecution of Ruby Ridge sniper Lon Horiuchi on charges of involuntary manslaughter, hopes for justice have been dashed again - not by arrogant federal officials, but by the very people who just won that victory.
As the Chicago Tribune reported June 15, 2001, Boundary County, Idaho, prosecutor Brett Benson decided not to press charges, claiming that the case against Horiuchi for the killing of Vicki Weaver would be "difficult to prove" in court (absurd, given the amount of documentation and testimony available).
Unbelievably, Benson also announced, "It is our hope that this decision will begin the healing process that is so long overdue."
Do we "heal" after crimes by letting criminals walk free? Would "healing" in the Oklahoma City bombing case have been achieved by letting Timothy McVeigh and other perpetrators walk free while survivors suffered? Does a woman "heal" from a rape because a prosecutor lets her attacker walk? Does a homeowner "heal" when he learns officials had the thief in their grasp and let him go?
Does anyone, including Brett Benson, actually believe such cruel and callous nonsense?
Certainly others involved in the case don't believe it. As the Tribune reported: "Attorney Stephen Yagman of Los Angeles, who was appointed by Benson's predecessor as special prosecutor in the case, was angered at Benson's decision.
"'In order for me to agree to drop these charges, someone would have had to kill me first,' Yagman said from his Los Angeles office. 'It was done without consulting me, sneakily and behind my back.'"
Yagman spoke with Randy Weaver who he described as "chagrined" but willing to stay the course to get justice. There appears to be only one hope left. Since Idaho has no statute of limitations on homicide, some future prosecutor with more integrity could yet re-file charges against Horiuchi.
There is only one form of healing that will work now: Enforce the Bill of Rights. Return freedom to America, so that the powerful can no longer stomp at will on the liberties of ordinary men and women. Hold federal officials as accountable for their deeds as any other citizens. Stop regarding them as a privileged class, immune from the laws that bind the rest of us.
Whatever the future holds for Lon Hoiruchi, strict and diligent Bill of Rights Enforcement is the only thing that can save the future of America.
This summer, a new book by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman will blow the lid off the coming American police state. The State vs. the People will show exactly what makes a country a police state. (It's not random acts of government brutality; it's a sophisticated system of government control with brutality as one lever of power.) The book will show why America is not yet a police state - but why it's almost certain to become one if we don't reverse direction soon.
In the meantime, despite the beauties of Boundary County, Idaho, we suggest you don't spend any of your vacation dollars there and that you tell county officials why. The responsibility for this decision wasn't Brett Benson's alone. His deed came as no surprise, since county voters elected him knowing he "had no enthusiasm" for bringing the FBI sniper to justice.
Boundary County District Attorney's Office - 208-267-7545
Brett Benson, Attorney at Law - 208-267-2095
Boundary County Commissioners' Office - 208-267-7723
Boundary County/Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce - 208-267-5922The Liberty Crew
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