JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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October 24, 2002 Communicate (Communiquer, Mitteilen, Informar) the Power of the Bill of Rights
Want to take one easy step to make the world a better, more free place?
JPFO now has the Bill of Rights in 11 languages. Download the documents (they're 100 percent free) or distribute the URLs. Take this new intellectual ammo to your immigrant neighbors, your co-workers, and your relatives. Encourage them to share it widely, study it, and discuss it.
After all, even though some immigrants may not know it, the Bill of Rights is the biggest reason people move to the United States. They don't come for the Grand Canyon or the Statue of Liberty. They come to enjoy the abundant fruits of limited government. They come to breathe free in a land where, historically, the government has kept its hands off peaceable, productive individuals. Whether the immediate cause for their migration was to escape persecution, join relatives in this country, or get a job, the great benefit that makes all other benefits possible is the protection of the Bill of Rights.
Let's make sure that these recent immigrants understand, appreciate, and work to save the principles that made this country a beacon to the world. Let's also help ensure that citizens of other countries have the chance to re-make unjust governments in the image of the Bill of Rights. Send the URL to friends and acquaintances around the globe.
Just think what the world could be if the citizens of countries like Iraq, Uganda, or North Korea understood and insisted upon the values of the Bill of Rights in their own lands. It may be a long and difficult journey, but all it takes to begin is one click of a mouse.
Go to to read or download copies of the Bill of Rights in:
- English
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Russian
- Hebrew
- Arabic
- Korean
- Japanese
- Simplified Chinese
- Armenian
Most of these translations also contain brief, modern-language explanations of what each article of the Bill means to individuals. This makes these documents even more powerful and appealing to people feeling the weariness of living in tyranny.
Promote freedom. Share the Bill of Rights with the world.
More tools for promoting the Bill of Rights:
- "I Will Live Free" ( ), JPFO's new audio CD of songs celebrating the Bill of Rights, can help you win hearts and minds -- and lift your own spirit in these frightening times.
- What happens when the government holds monopoly power over firearms? How do licensing and registration schemes kill? Read the bone-chilling facts in _Death by "Gun Control": The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament_ ( . Get two free "Gran'pa Jack" booklets (Gran'pa Jack #6 "Will 'Gun Control' Make You Safer?" and Gran'pa Jack #7 "Do Gun Prohibitionists Have a Mental Problem?") with your order.
- If America no longer has a Bill of Rights culture, what kind of government does it have? In _The State vs. the People_ ( ) Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman show, step-by-step, using historical and modern examples, that America's government increasingly resembles those of European police states.
- Buy, read, and distribute Gran'pa Jack #3, "It's Common Sense to Use Our Bill of Rights," and Gran'pa Jack #5, "The United Nations is Killing Your Freedoms!" ( ) -- and while you're on the site, check out all the books from Mazel Freedom Press.
The Liberty Crew
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