JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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December 27, 2004
Remember What We Told You About Our 'Friends'?
Do you remember that we showed Innocents Betrayed at the first politically conservative, pro-rights film festival, the American Film Renaissance (AFR), last September?
We reported to you about the hostile and dismissive reviews that Innocents Betrayed received from the Leftist press, so that you could see how the attackers could only smear but not rebut the message.
Now, three (3) months later, a so-called conservative, right wing publication, National Review, has finally printed a "review" of the AFR.
You can read the first part of the article via the link (below). The full text is available only to paid subscribers.
Notice how the National Review writer dismisses Innocents Betrayed:
"Still others were painfully tone-deaf, like Innocents Betrayed, which could have passed for a History Channel documentary about genocide, save for a narrator intoning - over shots of piled Cambodian skulls or trains bound for Bergen-Belsen - that gun control inevitably leads to state- sponsored mass murder. (Innocents Betrayed, I later learned, was produced by the Wisconsin-based Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership. Make of that what you will.)"Just a trio of comments about this review.
(1) The reviewer paid Innocents Betrayed a backhanded compliment by observing that the film is of the quality that is routinely shown on the History Channel. That's exactly the quality level we attempted to achieve -- network, non-fiction, documentary quality with irrefutable facts. And we achieved that quality on a tiny budget contributed by private individuals and small organizations.
(2) The reviewer was unable to attack any of the factual statements or conclusions that Innocents Betrayed leads the reader to understand. Just like the Leftist reviewers, this National Review writer couldn't attack the film on its merits. That's another compliment.
(3) The reviewer made a special point of sneaking in some anti-Semitism into his review. The film was produced by JPFO, he notes and then adds: "Make of that what you will."
That sort of language transmits good old-fashioned anti- Semitism by the time-tested wink and nod technique. "His name is Goldstein. Make of that what you will."
The reviewer has a wonderful time attacking the physical appearance of the theater and the organizers of the Festival. He deploys his acid remarks to attack people who might have been supporters of his magazine. His review is not helpful to anyone; it isn't even accurate or usefully descriptive. We would not have printed that kind of rant in our Bill of Rights Sentinel, even about our opponents.
So, when we observed that our "friends" on the self-avowed political Right were absent from the AFR, we apparently were wrong. One of them was there, making it his mission to stab the pro-liberty movement in the back.
The Liberty Crew
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