JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
March 21, 2006
"Boot" Campaign Continues
Our latest ad is being published in the Washington Times Weekly. In this ad (which you can view in PDF format at ) is a printable version of our form requesting contact from people who have had encounters with the BATFE. Use the link above to print out and distribute this form to every gun owner you know. It's more important now than ever before.
Remember when we told you late last year that a storm was brewing for the Republican party ... a storm that could damage the GOP irreparably ( ) All the signs point to our being correct in that assessment. There have been two BATFE hearings held in Congress already this year, and a third one has been "indefinitely" postponed. We're hearing from more and more people regarding the treatment they've received at the hands of the BATFE. We've even had several media inquiries wanting to know more about the anti-American activities of this rogue agency. The word's getting out -- now we must continue to keep their feet to the fire.
If you've been involved with the BATFE, NOW is the time to fill out this incident report. NOW is the time to let others know about this campaign. NOW is the time to make your voice heard. The more reports we have, the sooner we can hope to see justice done. The federal government is trying to avoid the potentially MILLIONS of dollars it might have to pay to wrongfully accused or imprisoned gun owners
Help us get justice for these people. Help bring back a Bill of Rights culture. Join our "Boot the BATFE" campaign at and boot the BATFE out of your life (and anyone who defends this horrific agency).
- The Liberty Crew
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