JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
Phone (800) 869-1884 | toll-free 800-869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
June 13, 2006
The recent raid on KT Ordnance in Montana ( ) showcases precisely why the BATFE cannot be "fixed" or "reformed" -- it must be eliminated entirely. And now, with your help, it can be. Introducing _The Gang: Using the Law to Destroy Your Freedom and Security_ , the latest film production by JPFO and the next level of our "Boot the BATFE" campaign (
This hour-long video documentary will show:
- A brief history of the BATFE, with emphasis on its racist origins and ongoing racism.
- Documentary evidence that the Gun Control Act of 1968 (one of the major laws the BATFE enforces) was based on Nazi law and Nazi legal concepts.
- Video proof that the BATFE tried to frame an American gun owner with federal felony charges by attempting to call a malfunctioning semi-automatic rifle an “illegal machine gun”.
- Documentary evidence that the BATFE is incompetent to carry out one of its primary tasks, the classification of weapons.
- Interviews with abused gun owners and manufacturers. We are also trying to get a BATFE whistle-blower or former agent to go on camera to give an insider’s view of BATFE corruption and ineptitude.
- Finally, a Second Amendment lawyer will reveal how Congress and the BATFE routinely misuse the interstate commerce clause to control gun ownership and persecute firearms owners.We've done it before, and we can do it again. With your help we produced the award-winning documentaries _Innocents Betrayed_ and _Bill of Rights or Bust_. With your help, we published the explosive expose DVD _BATFE Fails the Test_ . And with your help, even Congress recognized the contributions of JPFO; the Congressional Research Services memo on BATFE testing standards cited evidence on JPFO's website!
This film is a critical part of our "Boot" campaign, and we estimate the cost of production to be $100,000. The most important thing you can do to help right now is to contribute to _The Gang_. For a donation of $5,000 or more, you’ll be credited as an executive producer and will receive 25 free DVD copies of the film and 25 free autographed copies of the new third edition of our book about the Nazi-U.S. “gun control” connection, _Gateway to Tyranny_.
For a donation of $250-$4,999, you’ll be listed as a member of The Producer’s Circle at the end of the film. You’ll also receive a free DVD copy of the film and an autographed copy of _Gateway to Tyranny_.
For $100-249, you’ll receive a free DVD copy of the film, and of course, contributions of ANY size are welcome.
Don't let previous efforts go to waste. Help us keep the pressure on. Visit for more information and to donate. Filming starts June 20, 2006, so please contribute today -- and help us Boot the BATFE out of your life forever.
(Dues-paying JPFO members, be on the lookout for an eight-page mailing from JPFO concerning _The Gang_!)
- The Liberty Crew
PS Don't forget the June "Appleseed" shoot taking place Father's Day weekend in West Bend, WI. Visit for more details!
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