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February 11th 2008

JPFO Files Amicus Brief for Heller Case


Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has filed an amicus curiae brief with the United States Supreme Court in the matter of The District of Columbia vs. Heller.

Stop Press - we now have a PDF transcript of the March 18th SCOTUS oral arguments.

As most politically-aware gun owners know, this is the final stage of a case in which the District's draconian gun prohibitions were held to be unconstitutional by a lower court. It is the first time since the 1930s that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a Second Amendment case.

Backed by cogent legal arguments and powerful historical examples, the JPFO brief conveys the following, in essence: "The [Supreme] Court should affirm the judgment of the Court of Appeals because an individual right to keep and bear arms, separate from state regulated militia service, is fundamental to prevent the rise of tyranny and genocide."

We at JPFO want to thank Attorney Daniel Schmutter for donating his time to write our brief -- which is already receiving praise as very well written and well reasoned -- and submit it to the court. Please see the must-read article by Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America at as well as David Kopel's assessment at

Admittedly, after something like a century of treachery, deceit, and betrayal by lawyers, politicians and judges, we don't hold much hope for anything resembling justice or respect for gun owners' rights from the Supreme Court, as they owe their current positions to three consecutive administrations seemingly intent on destroying the Second Amendment.

We would be very, very happy to be wrong about this.

In any case, we strongly encourage our readers (A) to use the JPFO brief to educate others on the real meaning of the Second Amendment and (B) as a litmus test for politicians to determine the depth of their knowledge and understanding of the necessity for a heavily-armed citizenry.

Only at JPFO!

- The Liberty Crew

NOTE - Don't forget our limited time offer on the JPFO homepage, (closes, today Feb 11th) for a free book ($19.95 value) with a purchase of one of our listed Video.

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