When Arnold Schwarzenegger became a U S citizen he pledged to uphold the Constitution. He LIED, and recently signed Nazi era type legislation to control and register ammunition purchases.
Please make sure that everyone you know, especially in California, gets a copy of our latest handbill to expose Arnold's traitorous activities - go to the JPFO Freebies page.
We are a nation of immigrants, but Arnold has worn his welcome out. Now it's up to all gun owners to get this handbill out to every gun shop, gun show, and media outlet in California. We can hit hard with this. Pass it around to everyone you know and use the "intellectual ammunition" that JPFO is giving you!
Learn more about Arnold's laws - see "Gun Control": Gateway to Tyranny
The Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"
Watch "2A Today for The USA"
Use our latest 2A Today handbills - make copies and hand out to all your contacts.
Remember to check out all JPFO's movies
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