April 27th, 2011
This nation’s Second Amendment freedoms have too long been burdened with the lethargic and tunnel vision behavior of the gun owners known as “Elmer Fudds”, or, as Aaron Zelman used to call them “quackers”.
This is the “good ole’ boy” type who simply doesn’t care about gun registrations, permits, regulations, or even confiscations, as long as he can keep his deer rifle or shotgun and exercise his “sportin’ rights”.... Read More
The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"
JPFO's new "Triple Play" DVD - all three major recent films on one DVD
JPFO Freedom Music - enjoy the "I Will Live Free" CD - sale price $17.76
JPFO hats and patches are now available per your request, at the JPFO Store.