This is the continuation and finale of my recent article called ARM UP! – LET MY PEOPLE KNOW, I used Jews and Israel as a metaphoric equivalency for Americans and America. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu equals former American President Trump. I hope you read it and it resonated within you.
My GREAT AMERICAN DAVID & GOLIATH CHALLENGE is really a metaphor based on the Old Testament story about the army of King Saul and the Nation of Israel vs. the Philistine army. According to the usual version of the story, the great Philistine giant called Goliath came to the forefront of the battle line to mock and challenge the Jews and (their) G-d. It was only David who was brave enough and had the courage to come forth, to accept the challenge to fight the over 9' tall giant. Armed with only his sling, five smooth stones, and his faith in the G-d of Israel, David swung one "round" and hit critical mass, right into Goliath's forehead. Thus, David had and used the world's first five-shot shooter! He felled the giant and killed him with Goliath's own sword. Miraculously, the Israelites had won!
And there you have it. Direct from David himself! … Wait for it …
Always carry, and have a folder or fixed blade with you, at all times!
My mythical Goliath in this election year 2024 has two heads, two deadly, demonic ways to destroy us. To defeat him like David, we must fight back for PROTECTION, to save our lives, and POLITICS, to save our Second Amendment rights. We are all possible Davids only if we address both.
In order to slay Goliath's PROTECTION head, allow me to refresh your memory by referencing a now highly edited part from my first article. It includes some new information, just for you:
High levels of crime being what they are, the rule of thumb for most gun owners who choose to EDC (Every Day Carry), is to carry the largest gun that they (1) can and actually will carry, (2) do practice with, and (3) become and stay proficient with. But since I realize that so many Jews and non-Jews alike are not interested in firearms, may or will never be interested in firearms, or may even have hoplophobia (a clinical fear of firearms), I asked myself two honest questions: (1) "What about them and their safety?" (2) "Must they be condemned to victimhood?" I say NO! They need to learn to ARM UP!
Always be Ready to your Max. U Prepare
All sincerely dedicated, responsible gun owners by definition continually read, study, and train. When they get dressed each and every morning, they know how to ARM-UP! They carefully choose what they will carry for the day, and never leave home without being "fully dressed" everywhere they legally can carry. In order to maximize their relative safety, they accept that (1) it is better to have it and not need it, than (G-d forbid) need it and not have it. (2) While concealed carry is not always 100% comfortable, it is better to enjoy the comforting feeling of ARM UP! It's like car insurance. Every day you don't need it, is a good day. You never want to need it. Same with emergency food. If you throw it out after 25 years because you never needed it, again, that's a very good thing.
My concept of ARM UP! is meant for you, everyone you know, and everyone you don't know. I want everyone at the very minimum, to at least know enough to be safER in a very unsafe and uncertain world. My idea is meant for virtually everyone walking on two feet, with a cane, in a wheelchair, EVERYONE.
Now if you really want to be a David, here is your ever continuing homework assignment that will not only be life changing, but possibly life saving. Do these things, and take them to both head and heart when you do them. Do means take action. If you don't, reading my words alone is just a waste of time. Believe me, I have no time to waste, yours or mine. I'm talking about saving lives here!
Read a good book or two on self-defense, that's self-preservation! I highly recommend LIVE READY by Sam Rosenberg. Go to some lectures by experts in your area. Sign up for hands-on self-defense training. You'll wear some comfortable clothes, get on the floor, and learn basic moves and maneuvers that when necessary, will save countless lives, as they have for generations past.
Even if you believe (from some inappropriate and very regrettable learning in your past) that the mere sight of a firearm is worthy of an "oiy," purchase a tac pen. That's a tactical pen. Learn how to use this very special tool (think ice pick) and always carry it with you. Besides writing, its real purpose as a force multiplier will always go unseen.
Purchase some pepper spray, or as I personally prefer and recommend (especially to the ladies), pepper gel. It's much more wind resistant and shoots out further, about 16-18 feet! It marks the bad guy (who is about to do you physical harm) with a dye on his face, puts him on the ground physically incapacitated, and gives you time to quickly get away and immediately call the police. The teacher at your self-defense class will give you proper instruction as to how, when, and when not to do all these things. And sadly, regrettably, I must urge you to check your local laws before carrying anything in your pocket. If you live in a loony Left state like New York, you could be breaking the law; a stupid, irresponsible, unconstitutional law. As the great Dan Bongino says "if you live in a state like New York, move away as fast as you can. Don't get dead."
I bet that your teacher will begin with something that you will never ever stop doing, everywhere you go, and everywhere you are, even in a city/state like New York. It's called situational awareness. Like EDC, it very much is a daily lifestyle which alone could absolutely save your life!
It isn't hard for everyone to responsibly ARM UP! to their own personal comfort level. At the very least, learn and practice situational awareness and carry pepper gel with you at all times. Maybe even add a tactical pen. Hopefully in time, you will sense the wisdom (yes, it's a feeling) of continued learning and want to ARM UP! with even more self-defense tools. It's really a lifestyle of applied insight and wisdom turning into potentially lifesaving skills and resources you will always have with you.
Me? I never have less than two or three self-defense options on me. If things go south, "only one" could become "none" in the blink of an eye. And I for one never want to be caught with none (nothing). The bad guys don't usually respond to begging and pleading, crying and screaming. You mean less than nothing to them, except as a means to their end.
In our home, I always have protection at arm's length, when no children or company are around. If they are, I responsibly cover up, pocket carry, or otherwise deep conceal. We Davids are always responsible for establishing and maintaining strict safety precautions at all times! Your teacher will have more to say on this I am sure.
Outside in the summer with light clothing, I usually pocket carry, conceal a folder, and of course always have my first choice at the ready, pepper gel. I pray that if a self-defense incident does happen, I would never have to go beyond pepper gel. Remember: if you can't avoid or otherwise get away, pepper gel is always your first choice!
Outside in the winter with more clothing, sweaters, vests, and coats make concealment much easier. I often carry two guns (one on each side), a couple different types of blades (a folder and a fixed), and of course, pepper gel.
Knowing all this, my challenge to you should be just the beginning of you significantly increasing your personal safety options, and both learning and implementing all the responsibilities that go with them. That is my fervent hope, for you.
The whole purpose of my GREAT AMERICAN DAVID & GOLIATH CHALLENGE is to ensure that our constitutionally protected, G-d given 2A rights continue on without government threats, or any kind of legal molestation or unconstitutional interference! G-d, HaShem said so, in writing! If you choose to exercise your 2A rights and responsibly live them, this article will absolutely and profoundly SAVE LIVES! And if you aren't interested, and self-defense is not your personal bag of donuts, that too is your right. Just don't come after mine.
Knowledge is power. Ignorance is victimhood. I always vote for power! And that means applying knowledge and continuing training and practice. I say continuing because these skills are all perishable. Like a violin player, you must practice your skills.
There is never a reason to have nothing on you, that is, everywhere you are legally allowed to have something. Never! You must always have some level of preparedness and readiness with you, at all times. Why? Because you never know when and where the worst day of your life might be lurking. That is why something is always better than nothing. And that something is always up to an informed you.
Personal responsibility is always a choice you make. You can not, not make a choice. If you think you can't, you just did.
You are always your first responder. You! The police can't instantly be everywhere. When home invasions and other life altering confrontations happen in mere seconds like a fire, believe me, you may be all you have to stop it before it gets out of hand. It really is - up to you!
The Big Brother nanny state, the Deep State blob, the tyrannical Mobocracy can't help you when the next few seconds of your life could very well determine your future, or lack thereof. You may not have one. And that is why my concept of ARM UP! is so important.
Please understand. The government doesn't care about you. They hate you. So they certainly do not care about your personal safety. If something happens to you, you're just collateral damage. They need you to be weak, defenseless, and most important of all, manageable. It's all about their power and their control over you. What they solely care about and want from you, is to control your freedom and liberty to go and do, not as you please, but as they please. And of all the freedoms they are unconstitutionally grabbing and regulating – that means stealing away from you – the Second Amendment is just one of them!
To be clear, at the very least, always have something, preferably pepper gel with you at all times. It is singularly, in my opinion, the very best nonlethal self-defense tool that to be a David, you must always have at the ready! Of course, having more options on you as we have discussed, is greatly encouraged. But always, 24/7, minimally, sans in bed and the bath, have at least SOMETHING on you, at all times. I call this: ADEDC. That's: All Day Every Day Carry.
In other words, if you can't run away or otherwise avoid a serious confrontation, pepper gel is your first option. Your firearm is your last choice unless you fear imminent death or significant bodily injury. Unless you are looking at a drawn gun or something similar, if at all possible, your firearm should never be your first choice. Less than lethal is always the smartest choice if it will neutralize the significant threat. Your teacher will have much more on this when you train seriously in group classes or private study.
The above is a good beginning if you really want to be a David and slay Goliath's PROTECTION head … except for one thing: you must also simultaneously go forth and TELL OTHERS all about what options are at their disposal, where they may wish to go to learn more about how to protect themselves, and why it is so important! Yes dear reader, IT'S UP TO YOU to spread the word … and then get THEM to do the same!
Our objective is more than worth it, to increase readiness, and potentially save the lives of family, friends, community, and who knows, maybe more. In a way, we may even affect eternity! A preposterous claim? No, not at all. One never knows when or where the influence of my Great American David and Goliath Challenge stops. Or even, if it stops. If you drink deep at the well as I do, there is something breathtakingly exciting and awe-inspiring right here for you to ponder, if you are thirsty!
This awesome responsibility about Goliath's PROTECTION head is just half of slaying him. Now it's time we addressed Goliath's second head, his POLITICAL head.
This upcoming November 5, we have a presidential election. If former President Trump wins, he will protect our 2A rights. If G-d forbid he loses, we will lose them. It's that simple my friends, and that scary! As history is playing out, only a Trump win will stop the pain and bleeding from the Left. Only one man is carrying that weight of our great country on his shoulders. His name is Donald J. Trump.
Obviously, each and every David must be registered to vote and vote for Trump. But there's more.
This part of my GREAT AMERICAN DAVID & GOLIATH CHALLENGE is to, that's right, you guessed it, to spread the word and get others to do the same. As Mark Levin "The Great One" urges, we must all become like a 21st century pamphleteer Thomas Paine, to help counter the fake news, propaganda, and voter fraud by spreading the truth. We must each be like a Paul Revere, get on our horse so to speak, and help take the advocacy fight to Goliath. We've each got to do our part to the very best of our ability, to hit him, hit him hard, keep hitting him until he falls to the ground, and then kill him the only way we can, at the ballot box!
All Davids must become committed activists and help battle against those who wish to steal our 2A rights, freedoms, and liberties.We must beat them electorally. There is no other way, and we have no other choice. If we don't genuinely fight back, who will? And if not now, when? It's all about supporting high-quality constitutional candidates who love our country instead of hate it, will advocate for America first instead of last or never, and then voting them into office. It's all about getting absolutely as many people as possible informed, registered, voting, and this year, BANKING THEIR VOTES EARLY!
If we fail to do just that, we will lose most everything to these tyrannical Marxists, Communists, and Radical Islamists who wish to control most every aspect of our lives in conjunction with their WEF One World Order! And truthfully, our remaining window of opportunity is closing, as time is short and very much "of the essence."
To be a David, you must commit to listen to or watch at least one hour at the very minimum each and every day to a quality source of political analysis, like Mark Levin (who IS "The Great One" and on somewhere 7 days a week!), Glenn Beck, Dan Bongino, Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, Laura Ingraham, The Five, Fox & Friends, and for comic relief at night, Gutfeld! Visit Fox News, The Blaze, or Newsmax. See what and who fits your style.
Watch them live, on your DVR, or on podcast. Learn the very latest, from insanely high tax hikes of all types including more than double capital gains 44.6%, 25% unrealized gains, racial reparations, to absolutely idiotic policies codified into law, like price controls, wide open borders with free lodging, food, medical, education, legal fees, working papers, billions to sanctuary cities, most everything free for illegals while our heroic veterans are forgotten and sleep on the streets. The examples are endless. Most are reserved for nightmares at midnight. But these Marxist tyrants are not kidding! And if they stay in power, you'll never be able to wake up or recover from them. And that's the whole point. Break everyone and get us all on the government dole, as they rule and regulate us into submission.
Learn the horrific issues and make them your talking points! Remember, the average person doesn't pay close attention and does not know these things. This chronic not knowing, dumbing down, and apathy, are parts of the greatest epidemic in America and threat to it. This is the Left's secret weapon!
If you don't invest at least one hour a day, you will not know; you could not possibly know what is happening right before your blind eyes every single day! And if you don't know the latest news that changes every day, you couldn't possibly spread the word to others who also do not know. Without you, they will continue to believe the lies of the Left and vote that way, in ignorance. Understand that it is up to you to tell them! So don't waste your time following the propaganda on any of the mainstream media news sources. They are unashamedly extensions of the Democrat party.
That's really all the fake news media is in our country. That's it! If we lose in November, it will be because of our corrupt media pimping lies for the Left. Calling them "fake news" is much too tame. At this point in time, they exist solely to peddle propaganda and gaslight the public with blatant lies, all carefully designed to misinform and fool the uninformed to get their vote. If they ever told the truth, the vast public would never vote for it. That's why they have to lie, extravagantly.
This is what it's all about. Manipulating people with lies and systemic cheating TO GAIN VOTES! And it's all too easy, because half the people have absolutely no idea what is happening. It's a mixture of ignorance and apathy. And there is only one cure: AN INFORMED ELECTORATE THAT WILL VOTE.
In addition to so many low information voters not knowing who to vote for, who will make their life genuinely better, the fix is always in, in every election! Besides a preponderance of TV and other talking heads, print and social media censorship is used to gaslight the public by hiding the truth and keeping people brainwashed (Trump = evil and Hitler!, MAGA = domestic terrorism!, etc.). The Left is behind many other immoral and illegal schemes like ballots mailed out en masse to G-d knows who, no voter ID's and safeguards, voting polls mysteriously closing down for various staged reasons, running out of paper, no power, 14% of illegals admitting to being illegally registered by the Democrats to vote this November, and on and on, so forth and so on.
All of that on top of this statistical gut punch: 17% of voters who voted for Biden in 2020, say "had they known the truth about Hunter's laptop and all the millions being channeled to the Biden Crime Family, they would have voted for Trump instead!" Right there, Trump would have clearly won the election! If not for the multifaceted Communist-style election interference, threats, and media censorship from the administration, America would have been spared the past four years of Cloward and Piven (overwhelm, collapse then control) destruction in every facet of our lives.
If you love your country, we all absolutely must get as many legal voters registered and voting as possible, or we will lose. We must literally win "too big to rig." If we lose this election, no one knows the totality of the future implications, except that they will be ugly and painful. America will be completely unrecognizable. Our 2A will be gone.
The Left wants to make it impossible for us to ever win again. That is their endgame plan: create the illusion of voting (think Russia) to force an ongoing one-party rule; a Democrat political machine, in power, in control, in perpetuity! The Great American Experiment as we patriots know it, as it was designed to be by our founders and framers, will be, G-d forbid, over. America, with the freedom and liberty we love, both fought and sacrificed for, will be dead. Our Bill of Rights, including all our natural laws and inalienable rights that come from G-d (not overstepping politicians who don't obey the constitution they swore to uphold), will be a distant memory.
But … we still have a chance, and many choices each of us can make.
To be a David, you must slay both heads of Goliath. You must become SUPER INFORMED, SPREAD THE WORD, AND GET OTHERS TO DO THE SAME ABOUT SAFETY AND VOTING. There is no other way if we want to keep a safe and prosperous America, a safe and prosperous America.
Here are a few aids to help you as you become a master of talking points to help defeat that lying Marxist (admittedly) Radical Islamist Kamala Harris, the least deserving and most dangerous presidential candidate in all of American history.
All Davids (male and female) will learn to develop their own style of what I call "nonaggressive assertiveness," how to approach people, how to softly guide the verbal ebb and flow, the artful conversational dance of civility, to the issues at hand. As far as I am concerned, whenever I go out and am with people, I am "on." I am always ready to expose these phony empty suit politicians with no experience or practical knowledge about anything except their radical ideology. Their beliefs will not work here because they have never worked anywhere, and that's an absolute fact. They haven't!
If shopping - "Can you believe these prices?" If a hard rain - "Wow is it coming down out there, and I've got to get home." If just in passing - Just look them in the eyes, smile softly, and say "Hey, hi ya doing?" If they don't respond, it's perfectly OK, just move along. You've done nothing wrong. If they do respond, see if a very few words grow a little. When they do, OK – you're IN. After a minute of mostly listening and a few back and forths, mention safety. Only later after more listening and observation, play your hunch and ask, "Are you by chance a Second Amendment person?" If they don't know what the 2A is, drop it immediately. If they do know, BINGO, you're IN and back in the game. You'll learn quickly what works for you, for others, and the various types of folks you already know and have yet to meet as you go forth in vivo, in life.
If there is a resistance where you think there is a 51% chance or more that it is hopeless, you must artfully drop it. It's perfectly OK, just move on. It's a swing and a miss. You'll get more pitches thrown from someone else. There is however one counterexample, and it comes with a great tip …
If a small group of people is listening, without yelling, screaming, or fisticuffs of any kind, keep making your points succinctly, ever so rationally, even surgically. You may ask, why bother with a person who will never listen to reason? Because he or she is no longer your target! You are in fact wholly speaking to the small group of people who are observing and listening. The hope is that some of them will carry on your message! And some of them really will! BINGO!
On the other hand, if you feel that there is a 51% chance or more that they are open to listening and learning, you must proceed. Become and be the Moses of the moment!
Hmmm, not bad. First David. Now Moses. We both know you're on the right road!
If you have wisdom, you will soon realize that this is all a glorious part of noble living. No matter who you meet and whether they listened or not, you tried, you mattered, you became something bigger than just yourself! For whatever it's worth, David, I like and admire you. I respect your commitment. You're a fabulous individual who "gets it."
Think of this as an adventure in becoming an even greater patriot and human being. I'm so glad you're now going to help us all make a difference for the country we love and wish to keep. This is one great way we morally and legally can and will fight back against the candidacy of Kamala Harris, that undeserving Radical Marxist Islamist, and what she wants to do to America, Americans, Jews (her Jewish husband is a nebbish), and Israel's ultimate victory for a lasting peace. This is how we will keep her out of the Oval and from behind the Resolute.
Good luck Davids, one and all. I salute you and thank you for sensing that feeling from deep inside you, that recognition that you were being summoned (and you were), and now for taking up our Great American David and Goliath Challenge.
Connect with people. Speak. Write. Present. Let others know about both heads of Goliath, now and in the future. The Lefty, Deep State Weaponized Tyranny is a systemic Great Reset malignancy that will never completely go away.
As long as man and his madness exist, the drive for total power and control over others will never completely go away either. They want to destroy Israel and America as they are destroying Europe right now. As is, traditional America is hanging by a thread. Our last chance to wake the country up is this November 5th. If we lose this election and get this Communist-in-chief fronting the machine, G-d help us. Nevertheless, I truly believe that together, our Great American David and Goliath Challenge, will help:
Make America Great Again!
[Cue the music
© 2024, Copyright by William Barclay Masterson
Mr. Masterson speaks only for himself and not necessarily for any other person or group.