March 20th 2012

The Battle of Athens, Tennessee.

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The JPFO page on The Battle of Athens, Tennessee, August 1946, has received unprecedented traffic over the last several days. In fact it has been noticed that the story has also been mentioned of late in some emails.

Perhaps in this election year and with concerns over voter fraud, there is particular interest in such a story and so it is being passed around. Despite it being obvious that many have seen and read this page, we thought it worth pointing out to those, perhaps few, who have yet to read this fascinating account.


The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"


Close out!! - JPFO has a small number of its old cap design available - made from 100% cotton and with a screen printed white logo. Buy one of these and get a "Gun Control is NOT Kosher" bumper sticker as well - now just $6 post paid. Go to the JPFO Store for this great closeout offer.


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