September 14th 2012
Rosh HaShannah -- the Jewish New Year and the birthday for all of Creation -- falls this year on Monday and Tuesday, September 17-18. Like all Jewish Holidays, observance begins on the prior evening at sunset.
Judaism teaches that the New Year is a Day of Judgement, a day when G-d examines every aspect of His Creation to determine its path for the coming year. It is a day of prayer and reflection, and Jews blow the Shofar -- a ram's horn -- in part to announce the coronation of the King of Kings. The same Shofar sound was heard during the Revelation at Mt. Sinai and will be sounded to herald the arrival of the Messiah and the Great Redemption.
The JPFO office will be closed for business on Monday and Tuesday in observance of Rosh HaShannah. We would like to wish all of our members and supporters blessings in the coming year.
L'Shannah Tovah Tikateivu v'Teichateimu! May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life!
Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"