February 12th, 2013

Jew without a gun


An article with a difference. This dramatic account by Robert J. Avrech, tells of his experiences back in April 1992 during the LA riots, where he narrates his feelings of vulnerability during some of the worst city upheavals in the 20th Century. He had to rely on wits and determination to survive and ensure the safety of his family, but knew that that may well not have been enough.

My wife, our children and I were trapped for several frightening hours. We were unarmed, helpless save for our wits. The police were conspicuously absent and the bad guys, frequently armed with heavy weapons, owned the streets. It was a defining moment in my life.

Read this dramatic first person account and imagine the situation - one where for sure being armed could possibly have made all the difference.

Refer to the "Sandy Hook Index" for an archive collection of material we have shown since the tragic events at the Newtown Elementary School. Most is directly resulting from the event but also there are items simply clarifying various aspects of the "gun control" issue.

(Note: A new useful source for many articles about Gun Rights and the Second Amendment is the The Independent Institute. It includes the work of Second Amendment legal scholar and attorney Stephen P. Halbrook (Research Fellow, The Independent Institute) whose bio page is here.)

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

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