June 20th 2013

State gun law threatens LI weapons tester


As if Governer Cuomo's new restrictive firearms laws were not enough (SAFE Act) to harrass New York State citizen gun owners, it apears there are further consequences. A company that has operated for sixty or so years, testing high level weapons and armor for government agencies, now finds itself subject to possible major loss of business due to at least one gun manufacturer being leary of breaking the NY law.

The sheer speed with which the "SAFE Act" was rushed into law has left numerous holes, and a bill planned to redress this testing imbalance has yet to properly see the light of day. Add to that the fact that Gov. Cuomo seems reluctant to reopen the law for further amendments. Legislate in haste - repent at leisure?

The full article about this goes into some depth regarding the problem -

Note: The 50 BMG draw has now sold all chances today, pm 6/21/13 -- our thanks to all who participated. The draw will be September 28th when we find out who is the lucky winner.

Refer to the "Sandy Hook Index" for an archive collection of valuable material we have shown since the events at the Newtown Elementary School.

Check out Gun/Murder Statistics: A set of tabulated and graphical data showing relationships between gun numbers and murders - categorized by alphabetical countries listing. Useful research material.

Thought for the day -- "Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber ... but after a shooting, the problem is the Gun ! "

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

"Waco a New Revelation".
Purchase the DVD direct from the JPFO Store

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