Most people live in a box, usually within a blur of dizzying repetition. We patriots and 2A advocates are no exception. We are after all, human beings. Fallible. Shortsighted. Well-meaning to be sure. It’s our human condition.
As I recently wrote: “If you think our 2A woes are an isolated singular entity, you are quite wrong. Our 2A battle is just the tip of an iceberg in an ocean of blind, fanatical, ideological hate; a partial expression and symptom of a much greater whole called The Great Reset: an ever-expanding gestalt, an evil Marxist takeover of our country, our traditions, our individualism, and our rights and freedoms that come from G-d. For that matter, the whole world is similarly on fire and burning in the flames of similar risk at this very moment.” True then. True now. Tragically getting truer each and every day.
Speaking of days, as I write these words, we have just under one month until election day, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. We all must get out of our personal blurs, our deafening, overly repetitive, same old same old boxes. And the time is NOW!
Of course you are going to vote. But we all must realize, now more than ever before in our lifetimes, that we may not win both the House and Senate. As is, do you understand that we are losing our country? And if we lose big in just a few weeks and then in 2024, do you understand that the America we love will absolutely, assuredly be gone, forever?
Our social-political enemies hate the 2A. But there’s so much more to it. They hate us, America, the Constitution, and most everything else we live for and believe in. They are quite ideologically mad and determined to beat us and rule us. Their heartfelt drives are all towards tyranny and total Big State control, in all manner of ways and areas of our lives, with the promise of infliction of punishment and ruination to any and all who do not conform and obey. Their mentality of total, wide-ranging domination is a tumor, growing like a metastasizing, malignant cancer. They are doing everything they possibly can (along with a corrupt media and Big Tech as both partners and cover) to lie, cheat, and steal, all to maintain their power and control. This is all that matters to them.
Our only chance is at the ballot box.
Mrs. Masterson joins me in asking you to please, WAKE UP, STAND UP, and get seriously active to make a significant difference. It really is now or never. If we miss our target in just a few weeks, whatever happens in 2024 will be too little, too late. Guaranteed.
If you care about your G-d given, constitutionally protected 2A rights and our country, you must get as many people as you can to vote. Spread the word. Talk it up. Short of getting into arguments and fisticuffs, share your deepest concerns with everyone you know and meet. Explain in just a few sentences why you are so worried, why it matters, what is at risk, and why you want them to join you and so many other caring patriots, to then either remind or inform people they know and meet, to do exactly the same.
It all comes down to fairly counted votes (I know, that’s quite an assumption). Besides face-to-face short conversations, use your computer, social media, the telephone, the mail, even carrier pigeons, hot-air balloons, sky writing, and smoke signals. Just do it! Now is no time for Miss Manners or being bashful. It’s all on the line in just a few more weeks.
Please understand, if we lose our 2A, we will lose the country. The two are that much interrelated!
Can our fellow liberty-loving, 2A freedom enthusiasts count on your vote and the promise to get everyone you possibly can to help ramp up a positive avalanche of votes? It’s a simple yes or no question.
Just think, if every 10 people you connect with each get to 10 more people, those 100 votes and the next round of votes after that, will keep growing and growing geometrically, day after day until Nov. 8th.
Ignore the polls! They are probably suppression polls (unfairly loaded) anyway. We must assume we are behind in every race, and do everything we can to ensure a huge turnout. No matter who is running on “our side” (and may not be your first choice), all that matters is that the “other side” must be defeated. Nothing else matters! If we protest by staying home or voting for a third party to make a point, we will lose everything. There is no tomorrow.
You need to start immediately. Begin by forwarding this article to most everyone you know. Deeply accept that you are being summoned by America, and everything and everyone (past, present, and future) she represents. If we all don’t fight back wholeheartedly, right now, with legal votes (unlike our opponents), she will die a slow, agonizing death because of what the Left is doing to us. They are killing: America. Our children and future generations via outrageously vile propaganda posing as education. Our babies up to the moment they are born. Our families. Our religions. Our energy. Our healthcare. Our economy. Our savings accounts. Our food supply. Our means of travel. Our (lack of) borders allowing the flooding of the country with millions of illegals (Cloward and Piven model). Add in the skyrocketing crime and inflation … it’s all no accident. It's all by design! They are killing us. Training us to be broke financially, breaking our very spirit, and destroying the American way of life, in every imaginable way.
This is positively not the job of our government. As is, we are no longer a Constitutional Republic. We are being strangled by a tyrannical takeover and power grab. Call it Statist, Marxist, neo-Communist, it’s all Big Government central casting, exactly what our country was created to guard against and never ever allow! It is all part of The Great Reset and is as diabolically evil as the Go Green and Climate Change movements are fake! Everything they do is a Functional Con. King Con.
No, hurricanes are not getting any worse. No, man can’t change the weather to any degree that will make any appreciable difference. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU! How can you tell for sure if they are lying? Just watch their lips. If they move, they’re lying! They are experts at gaslighting!
Just put on your useless mask that teaches you submission and signals it to others, then shut up, kiss their rings, and obey. They have the power, and you don’t. So turn in those evil guns. Be powerless and weak. Be submissive and submit. Go home and pray THEY (who call us terrorists) don’t come for you!
It’s all up to us my fellow patriots. Make a difference.
Matter. Activate. Motivate. Vote.
Don’t let the bastards win and steal our country.
Oh, by the way … there really is no box for you to get out of. There never was. That whole box business is just a famous metaphor, a mental illusion, a self-imposed limitation we all buy into and live in, at least temporarily. Too often, permanently. Understand that, and you are instantly OUT of it, because you never were really in it in the first place!
Now, what are you going to do with your newfound freedom to help fight back? Believe me, reading and writing about new guns, the slimmest IWB holster, the best ammo, and whether to keep one in the chamber when you carry isn’t going to cut it. That’s all very interesting, but just not now! Our 2A is politically at HIGH RISK. That’s all that matters right now. And if we fail to regain power in a few weeks, we will lose our 2A, and then none of that will matter! And yes of course, keep one in the chamber when your carry.
The truth is, most people are either asleep, don’t know anything, don’t know enough and don’t know they don’t know, or are so badly misinformed, they are hopeless and not worth your time. So there you have it. You have three targets out of four to aim for. Now!
Culturally speaking, this is the biggest political problem of our time. Far too many people have no idea what is happening right before their eyes. They are drowning in The Great Sea of Kool-Aid, Propaganda, Ignorance, and Apathy. As I wrote before: “In brief, the Public gets Gaslighted by Propaganda. When enough Kool-Aid is swallowed and washes down the PGP, this will yield Political Propaganda Psychosis, PPP.” Here is my original formula …
PGP ----> PPP
Public Gaslighting Propaganda ----> Political Propaganda Psychosis
Remember, if we lose, and you haven’t realistically done everything that you possibly can … how will you feel on November 9th? So, if you hate America like those in power who wish to change everything, regulate or outright rule everything and everyone in sight, just do nothing. But, if you love your country and your rights, freedoms, and liberty, then you know what you must do.
Our country needs us to save her. She can’t save herself, I can’t make it any clearer to you, and we are running out of time. It’s 1912, we are on the Titanic, and we hear cries of “Iceberg Dead Ahead.” Ladies and gentlemen, it’s “last call” and squarely up to you.
So let’s all take a deep breath, fight back hard, and win big in November!
Let’s roll!
© 2022, Copyright by William Barclay Masterson