Click-bait profits and viewership numbers must be popping high for every news medium in America exploiting the November 14, 2022, murders of four Idaho students. Publishers party hearty as they teach every disturbed, isolated, incel, evil-fascinated, violent psychopath how to butcher innocents and become world famous.
How do the writers, editors, media figures, and company executives sleep at night – knowing they are promoting a vicious murderer into a celebrity? Everything that JPFO’s Don’t Inspire Evil (DIE) initiative has pleaded media not to do – they are doing:
Gruesomely profiting by pain: The writers, photographers, and publishers repeatedly present the photos of the young innocent victims, advertising whose lives were taken, like bounty hunters photograph an elk, lion, or elephant after their kills.
And, like satanic purveyors of evil, the murder publicists draw red circles around the smiling faces in a recent group photo of the innocent victims. It’s like a scrapbook page for killers: Bingo – Got ‘em! Check out these great looking targets – start compiling your highlight reel today!
“Promise Not to Glamorize Murderers.” For years, JPFO has pleaded with writers, photographers, and publishers to adopt that pledge. It’s the truth:
The link between saturation media coverage of mass murder, spree killing, jihadi attacks and copycat crimes is well established. News-media organizations that persist in literally glorifying these villains beyond any reasonable news value are complicit in encouraging further crime. They know it.
Not only glamorizing human slaughter, the media have been educating the would-be killers about how to commit the same or worse atrocities themselves. Read all the details on the Internet. Criminologists and prosecutors opine about how this (alleged) murderer was a rookie – and explain what he should have done to kill and get away with it.
The gall of certain media segments to blame lawful firearms owners for murder rates with which they have no connection whatsoever – when the media makes a freshly-scrubbed, gleaming, national front-page hero of the calculating bloodthirsty and proud butcher of four beautiful innocents.
Worst of all: The media people will never apologize for their paychecks earned from glamorizing a murderer and inspiring copycats. They’ll continue covering the Idaho murderer’s saga until he’s imprisoned or dies. Blood money, profits from pain, misery, and death.
News sources:
Video timeline Jan. 7, 2023: