Recently, the NRA's Wayne La Pierre made a speech before the Conservative Political Action Conference. The anti-gun left wing media has piled on, declaring La Pierre's speech "sky is falling" rhetoric. Some "moderate" pro-gun advocates have implied that Wayne is "crying wolf".
JPFO has taken three precise quotes out of the speech for your evaluation. We would like you to participate in a poll and give us your opinion on each of these exact quotes from the CPAC 2012 speech. (You may only vote once in each poll).
POLL NOW CLOSED - see results page.
#1. "All of our Second Amendment liberty, all of the rights we've worked so hard to defend, all of what we know is good and right about America --- all of it could be lost if Barack Obama is re-elected." Wayne La Pierre Feb. 10, 2012
#2. "If Obama wins re-election, he will likely appoint one --- and perhaps three --- more Supreme Court Justices. If we get one more like those three [edit: Ginsberg, Sotomayor, and Kagan mentioned previously], the Second Amendment is finished. It'll be the end of our freedom forever." Wayne La Pierre Feb. 10, 2012
#3. "If you don't remember anything else I say today, write this down: This is the most dangerous election in our lifetime. If Obama wins, we'll go to our graves mourning the freedom we've lost." Wayne La Pierre Feb. 10, 2012
Thank you very much for participating in this JPFO poll.
© Copyright Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership 2012