Your Feelings About Guns



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By Rob Morse, November 7th, 2013
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Some people feel guns are bad and they feel better if they hate gun owners. I beg you to keep things in perspective if you hate guns. Most gun haters claim guns are an accident waiting to happen. I guess so, but walking down the street is an accident waiting to happen also. Let me show it to you. Drunk drivers are a far bigger risk than guns.

People who fear and hate firearms say guns are only used by bad people. I need to remind you that good people use all kinds of tools to protect and save others. In fact, the first thing we do is call a good man with a gun when trouble happens to those we love. For all the laws we pass to restrict honest gun owners, they are not the source of violence in our society. Licensed carry holders are the most law abiding of citizens.

We're missing something even with these charts. Our perspective is incomplete and we're only looking at half the picture. These charts don't show the many lives saved from public violence by civilians with guns. These charts don't show the hundreds of millions of disarmed people murdered by their government and in ethnic genocide.

Cry for them if you have a heart. And yes, genocide happens here in the US. I want good men to have guns.

If you're a hater, the best I can do is try to change your mind. Changing your heart is up to you.


Please let me know if you liked the graphics. Statistics from the Federal Center for Disease Control courtesy of Stranger at Extreno's Alley, and collected by the author.



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